Digital security

The most important thing I learned from this section is how important it is to take steps in improving digital security. How important it is to have strong passwords for different platforms, so if one is compromised other data on other systems remain secure. E.g. home and work usernames and passwords are not the same. Also to make sure passwords are not easy to crack., to use phrases rather than individual words, and to change passwords regularly. I found it very interesting to learn what information each app on my phone was using and how my location could be tracked.
I also learned that each time my device updates security measures need to be reapplied.
The most interesting part was the video on WiFi safety, I never imagined how much information could be attained through open WiFi access. I will now only use home and workplace where internet access is secure to access and send any information wether it be private and work related .
1) strong passwords
2) secure usernames
3) do not use the same one
4) combine letters numbers and figures
5) only access secure WiFi.......home and work.
6) be very aware


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