Social media

Social media is an ever growing part of most of our lives, both our personal and professional lives. I work for my local council in child care and there is  guidance and policy in place for safe and reasonable use of social media, including blogs ,message boards and facebook etc .To avoid major mistakes it is important to manage potential risks through a common sense approach. Professionals should do a self assessment of their on line behaviour before posting on social media sites, and also take into account the wider audience each post can reach.
When using social media in a professional capacity it is essential to post only the desired content.To understand each individual is responsible for the content they publish, and we should identify ourselves in each post.
We need to be aware that when we associate ourselves with our employers we are professional and we are aware of our language and conduct The guide lines are there to protect ourselves and our service users.
I therefor think that yes social media has a place in both my personal and professional life, but I must think about who my posts will reach ,how I will present myself ,my topics are relevant to the subject and I remember that I myself is responsible for all I post .


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